ConfirmationWith every order you will receive a purchase confirmation from S & J Bargain Vault. Please contact us with any questions.
Turn around time: Wood Signs - 3-5 days Drink ware - 1-3 days - this does not include tumblers we order those as orders come in Clothing / Hats / Shoes / Bags - 3-5 business days Furniture - 3-4 weeks (cabinets , coffee tables, hall trees, zoos) Zoos - 3 weeks Wreath Hanger Windows / Plain Windows - 3-5 days Personalized Windows / Quote Windows - 3-5 business days Tumblers and Wine Tumblers - 3-5 business days |
Shipping Days
Business days are Monday - Friday for shipping and does not include weekends or major US holidays. A tracking number will always be provided via email notification at the time your item is shipped.
We know you are anxious to receive your item and we try our hardest to get it to you as fast as we can, but please keep in mind that all items are custom made to order. Turn around time: Wood Signs - 3-5 days Drink ware - 1-3 days - this does not include tumblers we order those as orders come in Clothing / Hats / Shoes / Bags - 3-5 business days Furniture - 3-4 weeks (cabinets , coffee tables, hall trees, zoos) Zoos - 3 weeks Wreath Hanger Windows / Plain Windows - 3-5 days Personalized Windows / Quote Windows - 3-5 business days Tumblers and Wine Tumblers - 3-5 business days |
USPS Verified
Once your package is verified received by the post office via USPS tracking information, it is out of our hands as to what happens from there. We're not liable for anything after it is received by USPS. If you do not receive your item in a timely manner (generally one week from the date of shipping) and it can be verified as not yet delivered through tracking verification via USPS or FedEx, we will gladly see what we can do to remedy the situation. If it shows it has been delivered, there is nothing more we can do at that point. Contacting your local post office would be the next option to file a claim if needed.
From experience, the USPS does not always update their tracking in a timely manner, especially during major US holiday seasons. If an item is damaged please take photos of the damage as well as box front and back. Turn around time: Wood Signs - 3-5 days Drink ware - 1-3 days - this does not include tumblers we order those as orders come in Clothing / Hats / Shoes / Bags - 3-5 business days Furniture - 3-4 weeks (cabinets , coffee tables, hall trees, zoos) Zoos - 3 weeks Wreath Hanger Windows / Plain Windows - 3-5 days Personalized Windows / Quote Windows - 3-5 business days Tumblers and Wine Tumblers - 3-5 business days |
Items will be packaged securely; however, if it is received damaged, please contact us as soon as possible. If an item is damaged please take photos of the damage as well as box front and back.
Please keep in mind that everything is custom made in our shop and while most items are perfectly smoothly painted, it does mean there could possibly be brush strokes or other slight imperfections that come along with painting. This is what gives it character and uniqueness. Wood can have grainy areas, knots, dents, dings etc.. We take great pride in our work and we want you to be happy and satisfied with your purchase. We understand that issues and mistakes can happen and we will do everything we can to make if right for you. If something you ordered was not what you expected, please contact us so we can have the opportunity to fix it. |